Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Week # 5 - Thingie 10

This was a difficult session. I tried everything I knew and then some to get an image I created at to upload but nothing would work. I went to and in just a few minutes I had everything done except adjusting the image size. I like the idea of using customized graphics instead of depending on ones you find on the Internet. It will be especially helpful when I need signs, etc. that work with my theme in the library each year.


Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

We all like imagechef -- so many options and so easy! That's a very nice image you created with the flowers.


IrmaPince said...

Congratulations on finding something that worked for you. Librarians are resourceful!

Neil Haner said...

I think the other one was locked up to keep people was being to liberal with the cut and paste that is why it was hard..

Neil Haner said...

that pic almost looks like love rocks...?

Unknown said...

So nothing would work at Not even the page? SOunds like you are actualy saying that the image was created and then blogger wouldn't let you upload it (not signgenerator's fault that blogger was acting up).

Another bunch of sign generators on