Saturday, June 16, 2007

7 1/2 Habits and Me

After reading the tutorial, I was surprised that so many of the things that have always been "me" are listed as the habits of a lifelong learner. I don't know how I got that way. Was it my mother putting a book in my hands on the potty seat, my second grade teacher praising my reading (she also told me I had to color between the lines!), some inner faith that lets me know that I can search, find, read, and assimilate new skills? I wish I knew. I would gift these 7 1/2 skills to each and every Ridgeview student if I could more than any snippet of information, math formula, or conquest date, these habits would insure their success in almost anything they attempt.
I often find I am so busy being responsible or mentoring others that I do not leave much time for play but I am trying to do better. It's an important goal for me.

1 comment:

IrmaPince said...

Well this is a great blend of work and fun. Don't forget to play while you explore.