Thursday, July 12, 2007

Week 8 - Thingie # 19

I had already checked out LibraryThing for an earlier lesson, joined, listed some of my favorite books ( okay, I admit I took the easy way out and listed the Harry Potter series), and joined two children's literature groups not looking ahead to this week.
So it seems that, hmmmmmmmmm, yes, just a few people have commented on the books I have on my list :)and they seem to be quite popular with numbers of readers!! Here is my link - While this site is all about books, I don't know that I will use it that much. Maybe it's a summer vacation thing. I didn't even want to read the discussions - sounded too much like a library list serve "discussing" proper protocol for posting!! Listing all the books I own sounds like work work - this from a woman who, while between library positions, catalogued, labeled, and "spreadsheeted" every video in the house and then moved outside to map and list every iris variety I had!!

1 comment:

IrmaPince said...

A caralog of iris - now that is something. I used to keep a spreadsheet of oboe reeds but that finally became too obsessive even for me.